It’s a dual systemic broad-spectrum fungicide with protective and curative action. It offers not only disease control but also improves crop health, quality and yield of a crop.
It’s a dual systemic fungicide which inhibits spore germination at the early stage of fungal development. Thus, it protects the crop against invasion by fungal pathogens.
Features & Benefits
- Synergy of two advanced chemistry and have multisite action.
- Dual mode of action, hence effective and provides longer duration control on diseases.
- It’s an excellent tool for resistance management.
- Translaminar and acropetal movement help in quicker and even dispersion in plant system.
- More photosynthesis and healthy crop.
Crop Target Disease Dosage/acre (ml) Dilution in Water(Liter)/ acre Waiting Period (Days) Chilli Anthracnose & Powdery Mildew 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 5 Tomato Early blight & Late blight 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 5 Paddy Blast & sheath blight 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 31 Maize Blight & Downey Mildew 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 26 Wheat Rust & Powdery Mildew 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 35 Cotton Leaf Spot & Grey Mildew 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 7 Turmeric Leaf Blotch, Leaf Spot & Rhizome Rot 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 10 Onion Purple Blotch, Stemphylium Blight & Downy Mildew 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 200 10 Sugarcane Red Rot, Smut & Rust 0.1% or 1 ml / Liter water 160 265
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