Acetamiprid 20% SP

Acetamiprid 20% SP is a new generation Neo-nicotinoid insecticide, which effectively controls the White flies, Aphids and Jassids in Cotton.

Technical Name
Acetamiprid 20% SP
Product Detail

Acetamiprid 20% SP is a new generation Neo-nicotinoid insecticide, which effectively controls the White flies, Aphids and Jassids in Cotton.

Crop Pest Dosage/acre(gm) Dilution in Water(Liter)/acre Waiting Period (Days)
Cotton Aphids, Jassids




200-240 15
Cabbage Aphids 30 200-240 7
Okra Aphids 30 200-240 3
Chilli Thrips 20-40 200-240 3
Rice BPH 20-40 200-400 7


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