Herbicides Products in India!

Herbicides Products in India!

Weed is a plant considered undesirable or troublesome especially growing where it is not wanted. Weed management chemicals known as Herbicides. Plants which are not grown by the farmers are controlled by Herbicides. Herbicides can be applied before the weeds grow.

How Herbicides Work!

spraying herbicides products

The chemicals in herbicides can prevent or inhibit the growth of weeds. Herbicides can be incredibly effective even in small doses of concentration. There are many different types of herbicides and each of them work differently but overall, their method of action can be classified into two: systemic or translocated herbicides and non-systemic or contact herbicides.

Systemic or translocated herbicides are those which are absorbed by the plant from the absorption site and moves within the plant’s vascular system to sites of action where the chemicals then work to control the growth of the plant. Non-systemic herbicides, or contact herbicides, kill the parts of the plant that it comes in contact with. While these are more fast-acting than contact herbicides, they require repeated application, especially to control undergrowth growth and are not as effective for perennial weeds.


  • Herbicides can be applied before the weeds grow

    Unlike other methods of weed control, it is possible to apply herbicides in the pre-plant and pre-emergence stages. This lets the crops grow in a weed-free environment without competing for nutrients even in the early stages of development.

  • Herbicides can be effectively used in different crop arrangements

    While mechanical forms of weed control can be effective in some cases, when it comes to broadcast sown and narrow-spaced crops, they cannot reach all the weeds present in the field which herbicides can easily do. Herbicides can also effectively reach intra-row weeds.

  • Herbicides can get rid of deep-rooted weeds

    Weeds that have roots deep into the soil cannot always be effectively removed with mechanical methods as while the top part may be removed, the weeds can grow back from the roots. For these, a combination of mechanical and chemical herbicides might be necessary for effective weed control.

  • Herbicides prevent weeds from growing for a long time

    When herbicides are applied, they tend to be effective for long periods of time and prevent the weeds from growing back soon.

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